Your toddler is 3-4 Years old
Bouncing Raisins
The name alone speaks volume of what adventures “Bouncing Raisins” has in store for kids. What’s needed to start playing this sensory scientiffc research game? Water, raisins (8+), vinegar, clear jar or glass container (tall) and baking soda are the main ingredients for this science-focused experiment. With ordinary pantry and kitchen supplies, kids will observe how Bouncing Raisins react when certain stimuli are introduced. The first step is to set down the jar or glass container on a at surface after ling it halfway with water.
Kids should then add some vinegar and household baking soda.
This mixture should cause an immediate reaction where its contents will zz. It’s the perfect opportunity for toddlers to witness “Bouncing Raisins” live in action. As the water continues to zz, kids should begin throwing raisins in individually until all pieces have been added. Initially, raisins will submerge before rising, sink- ing and coming to the surface again.
This process should continue for about an hour. It will certainly provide sensory stimulation for young children who are generally fascinated about the world of science. The raisins immerse to the glass or jar bottom because it’s denser than liquid water.
Ventriloquist’s Dummy
A modern ventriloquist’s dummy can serve the purpose of developmental exploration for kids. As a tool, it’ll help prepare toddlers for social engagement as they’re improving speech, literacy, and language. It’s an incredible tool to encourage a child’s imagination and broaden his or her vocabulary. So how can children create their own ventriloquist’s dummy? With a stapler, balloon, masking tape, toilet paper roll, crinkled newspaper, pants and jumper, preferably pre-owned kids clothes, constructing a homemade ventriloquist’s dummy is left up to a child’s vivid imagination. The method includes in ating the balloons with natural air (blowing). Kids will then draw a ventriloquist’s dummy face just as how they’ve imagined it. After drawing the face, they can make its hair, use masking tape to attach its recycled toilet roll neck to complement the balloon faced ventriloquist’s dummy.
Finally, kids can dress it up by stapling the old jumper to the toilet roll neck and pants to the bottom half of it. They should then use crinkled newspaper to stu the legs and arms. Now it’s time to get the show start- ed. With the ventriloquist’s dummy seated on the lap, and legs dangling, a child should support its neck with one hand.
Famous Finger Puppets
Another phenomenal puppeteer adventure for kids, “Famous Finger Puppets” encourages a child’s creative imagination. It’ll keep toddlers and preschoolers engrossed pretend play activities for hours. To fashion nger puppets, kids need glue, old magazines, cardboard, and scissors. A substitute for magazines is to draw characters onto pieces of cardboard and cut out the faces. Of course, this is just an alternative character puppet show. For Famous Finger Puppets, they’ll need well-known faces from magazines. Know the queen, celebrities or famous Historians, inventors, etc? Great! They’re always gracing magazine pages, so getting their pictures of them won’t be too daunting. When cutting out famous people, follow an outline from head to torso. The cardboard should also be the same size, so trim it to match the size of the cut-out if neces- sary. When all famous people have been removed from newspaper or magazine, start sticking the cut-outs to the cardboard templates. Alos, kids should create two holes in the torso where they’ll insert their ngers as famous people legs.
Children have an opportunity to be creative when hosting a Famous Finger Puppets show. This extension of pretend play helps kids realize foundation learning skills. This springboard activity encourages listening, speaking, com- munication, self-expression, self-control, and broadening of the vocabulary.
Guess the Animal
Wow! Exploring the animal kingdom through imagination is an uncanny jungle adventure kids won’t ever forget. Pretend play o ers quality stimulation as children bring thoughts and ideas to reality. How does “Guess the Animal” really work? Kids are naturally inclined to interact with animals and mimic their sounds. Each child will take turns playing an animal that others will guess which one he or she is portraying. Sounds fun, right?
As they’re portraying spiders, dogs, lions, rabbits, cats, butter ies, elephants, birds or another animal, they’ll echo noises that encourage laughter and interaction. While kids are taking turns guessing animal names, they’ll share experiences and learn new words to advance vocabulary skills. “Guess the Animal” promotes social interaction and teamwork. Kids will also adapt the positive attitude that’ll greatly shape their person- ality with growth. The host should keep the game interesting with di erent species such as primates, in- sect-eating types, toothless beast, rodents, trunk-nosed and hoofed animals, marine creatures, Marsupials, carnivores, ying and egg-laying lifeforms. The educational value of playing “Guess the Animal” with kids range from identifying di erent animals to optimizing coordination with movement. Furthermore, they’ll learn classifcations, descriptive words and make class comparisons. It also creates a space for a quality time for interaction where a child can develop artistic expression, listen, understand and relay an appropriate response.
Letter Stamping
It takes time for preschoolers and toddlers to master the Alphabet. Activities like “Letter Stamping” primar- ily focuses on building literacy and enrich their experience with language exploration. In the same breadth, kids are exposed to lessons that can help them re ne ne motor skills, improve spelling, speech articulation and enhances their ability to identify colors and letters. With a rich phonological experience, kids will learn how to recognize letters by sound. Another learning outcome achieved is letter identi cation by type, such as distinguishing lower and uppercase fonts.
Foam letters are absolutely perfect for this activity. Kids can use a brush to paint the foam letters, then stamp it on blank sheets or cardboard paper. Incorporating this letter stamping activity daily will also help young learners overcome shyness and be creative. Painting also inspires creativity and self-expression through artwork. If a child struggles with spelling, Letter Stamping can be a tool to introduce foundation vocabulary building exercises.
Additionally, it’s a foundation activity that encourages hands-on art exploration to bring self-expression into focus. With this connective learning adventure, a child will take on rich development activities that build intellect and helps to regulate emotional balance. conceived by imagination.
Pot-O-Gold Counting
Although Pot-O-Gold Counting can be played year round, it’s a St. Patrick’s Day favorite. Is Pot-O-Gold Counting for everyone? Certainly! Friends, playmates, the family and kids of all ages can participate in Pot- O-Gold Counting. What’s more, Pot-O-Gold Counting can be customized to support a child’s learning style and level. Grab some play dough (yellow) which will be used as the Pot-O-Gold. Then select one other color for the makeshift card stand. Got wooden skewers, straws or dowels to support the colored beads. These can be purchased online or locally. And nally, get some ash card (numbers). A game host or parent can either buy ash cards or make them at home.
Creating a pot-of-gold with yellow play dough requires creative imagination. Young children are quite imag- inative and this event should encourage their indulgence. Molding it to look like a pot or bowl also require some heavy kneading and dough sculpting. Once it’s perfectly modeled and reshaped, simply stick the straws or dowels into the dough.
The player should then set aside some play dough balls to use with index or ash cards. With a dish lled with beads, kids will explore Pot-O-Gold Counting and match ash card numbers. While this rich counting activity provides sensory stimulation, learners will touch base with number recognition, problem-solving and advance their math skills.
Paper Hands-N-Feet
Some kids can’t get enough play time. “Paper Hands-N-Feet” is particularly geared towards toddlers that love the physical challenge. Have a child who’s quite the energizer bunny? This activity involves physical challenges to strengthen developing muscles as kids re ne movement and coordination.
When playing, get a card stock and begin tracing a child’s bare feet and hands. After tracing, cut along the outline and stick tape the paper hands to the oor where it’s easily visible. Follow the same steps for the feet as well. Once this is accomplished, encourage kids to position their body to mirror the poses. As a child catches on to the game and poses perfectly, create more challenging Paper Hands-N-Feet poses while ob- serving his or her progress.
With routine Paper Hands-N-Feet challenges, kids stand to learn their body awareness while strengthening the muscles by stretching and coordinating. Activities like drawing, helps children build self-con dence and encourage creativity. Numerous research articles promote physical activities to build self-esteem, maintain healthy weight gains, balance mood and support bone development especially in younger children.
Letter Hunt
It’s creative play at its nest! What makes Letter Hunt an amazing learning tool for kids is its adaptability. So, what if the child isn’t excited about exploring the driveway or hallway and doesn’t fancy climbing the stairs? Furniture exploration seems to get their attention every time. It’s an impromptu venue to stage a Letter Hunt. How about the mystery of exploring walls and kitchen cabinets?
Interestingly, players grasp the objective of the game easier when they’re progressively guided in stages. The host can include up to ve letters during the rst stage and increase the count as kids successfully re- trieve them. While us- ing a sticky note pad is quite conve- nient for this challenge when writing letters. Throwing ash cards into the mix could step the adventure. So, imagine kids matching letters and objects, animals or places. It’s an extraordinary learning experience that provides appropriate stimulation for build- ing vocabulary and ne-tune sensorimotor skills.
The physical education aspect of play will naturally support muscle development by running, walking and jumping. What’s more, activities such as this bolster memory retention and support fundamental brain development by incorporating appropriate learning stimulation.