Baby Bibi Blog — Easter

Maria Tikhonova
What’s in a game of Peek-a-Boo Easter bunny toy anyway?

What’s in a game of Peek-a-Boo Easter bunny toy anyway?

As a busy parent with an active lifestyle though, sometimes, you aren’t always able to give your child the playtime they need. Maybe the baby is in their high chair at the kitchen table while you’re responding to emails. Or, you’re trying to organize your house while the baby sits in a playpen in the corner of your home office. It's at such times that any parent might benefit from a little more support. If this is you or a parent you know, let us show you how this BabyBibi toy can bring you something special this spring and become...

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Maria Tikhonova
Fun Easter Activities for the Family

Fun Easter Activities for the Family

Fun Easter Activities for the Family We’ve put together some fun ideas and activities to make this Easter special for the whole family. 

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